Monday, 3 June 2013

Emasculated India

Resurgence and Agitation arises and finishes without any results. Again people get angry in the morning and become calm in the evening Public is driven by waves of Agitation and protest in the streets and again on next day they are driven by Entertainment watching movies and TV. Then they take bountiful sleep forgetting everything. This is the condition of current India.
Tomorrow people will rise again because they have seen one movie aspiring them to protest against corruption and after some days they again get engaged in routine life.They can be easily driven by so many things around them. Some external parties try hard to move people's attention from any scams, blunders and blasts. They also use media as their tool to divert public's attention from these mistakes . Instead of preventing further blunders and scams, they try to hide current effect and engaged in blaming others. Their steps and just for showing that they are doing something and taking steps. Their all steps and actions are just flamboyant and frail.
Why cant we become stronger such that even intruder will think for 100 times before coming to India.Why cant we become unassailable? Why cant we create a strong infrastructure in Intel and security department such that it can detect any wrong doing before it happens. If small country like Israel can create great spy agency like Mosad , why cant we do? We have power, we have money, we have intelligence, we have science, we have mind, knowledge everything but utilization is just 1%. We have to change the definition of Indians. People think that out tolerance is admirable but actually we are threatened. We are going through the way of cowardliness. More tolerance is nothing but self denial and weakness. I dont see any reason to forgive any culprit or forgive any criminal or terrorist. People are not hanged for their brutal offense for years. Many terrorists are imprisoned in Indian jail but they are nourished with fruits and nuts but they are not getting punishment.Why should we keep on following laws which are in turn harmful to nation security??? Can we avail threat of national integrity and security for just following so called "Laws"?
If everything is meant to be changed , why not laws? Why should we follow the system which just gives late justice which is nothing but justice denial. Fault is not in the system but fault is in "Indians". We are tolerating more than required. Either because we are inured to tolerance or because we are COWARD. Define your category. by your self.

Hinduism- Rationale behind Rituals

There are reasons behind any thing which is performed by Human. Same applies to Religion.

Hinduism is the religion based on Experience and Science. Its religion based on integration of Devotion and social code of conduct. Its based on unwritten and unauthorized rules followed by millions. Its the religion based on veneration and integrity for each and every part of human society. Its the religion which has rationale behind each and every rituals and practices. Let's take one by one.

1) Incense : -

We may think that why we use incense in our "PUJA". Why do we burn it prior we conduct Puja? Why incense to be burnt first?
Reason:- Incense consist of aromatic material. It spreads aroma in air and its smell makes you feel happy and beaming. It can change your mood from stress to freshness. So what ? but why its required in daily worship?

Its required because when we directly sit in front of God and start worshiping him then it may be possible that we not fully involved in worship or prayer. We directly come from stressful life or many thoughts are coming over in our mind while worshiping God. So we are not fully involved when we worship God. So what we must do to change our stressful and wary mood to joyful and devotional one prior to start worshiping. So one of the answers is Incense. It very small but can change your mood and make you feel positive. So it directly help you to feel integrated with God. So when you face God , your mood and mind is more likely to be concentrated on God.

All Hindu rituals are directly or indirectly developed to bring you more close to God. If any ritual is not doing the same , its not Hindu ritual.

2) Aarti :-

Aarti is one of the important rituals in Hinduism. Its totally developed to to pray God. Its totally developed to feel and express devotion towards God.

Why we do Aarti? We have been doing it since ages but still we dont know the reason. Have we even asked ant Hindu monk that why you do Aarti?

BackGround of Aarti:

The Aarti is a form of Archana Bhakti (one of the Navadhaa Bhakti). It is the waving of a flame to a deity or a respected person such as a Guru. It is one of the most prominent rituals in the Sanaatan Dharma.
The Aarti is performed with a candle which is ignited to produce a flame, a shankh (conch) for offering water and sound and a bell for ringing. At times flowers, drum beats, dhoop (incense) and kapoor (camphor) are also used.
The flame is held either in both hands or in the right hand and ceremoniously waved around the deity or the respected person together with the ringing of the bell and the beating of drums.
It is said that the lamp should first circulate the deity’s feet four times then the belly twice the mouth once and then seven times around the entire body. The lamp circulates in a clockwise direction. Once the Aarti is completed, the candle is circulated three times with water from the conch and then the flames are offered back to the deity and then to others.
The purpose of the Aarti is to perform a bhakti known as ‘archanam’. This offering is made as the panch bhut (five fundamental elements) i.e.
The candle, flowers and kapoor as pruthvi (earth-solid)
The offering of water towards the end as the jal (water-liquid)
The flame itself as the tej (fire-energy)
The sound of bells, drums and shankh as the vaayu (wind-moving space)
The clockwise circulation of the deity as the aakash (space-ether)

(This piece of article "BackGround of Aarti"is taken from this website :


When we move Aarti from top to bottom , it moves from each and every part of God. It moves from Head to legs and arms. It worships whole body of God. When we go into science of Idolatry , aarti is significant science in that. When we do aarti, our whole concentration is on God and his devotional body parts. When we do aarti, our whole attention is on God and his idol. Our full thinking power and emotions is attached to God when we pray hin through Aarti. We ideally forget ourselves and get totally integrated with God. When we do aarti, our self realization is temporarily forgotten and we enter into the state of devotional consciousness. We also sing devotional song which is totally devoted to God while doing Aarti. This song also perform one of the factor to integrate our self with God.
Aarti is the ritual for which we become pure prior to performing it. Pure doesnt only mean to bath or something else. It acutally mean to be pure from Heart. Man who perform treachery and cheat others cant gain feelings to do Aarti with full essence. You have to be pure from heart because you consider the idol infront of you as God. So ideally by this way we often get hesitated while doing some bad and prohibited things in our personal life.

Aarti is considered to be ritual which make you feel God while doing it if you perform it with pure heart and full of devotion. It brongs your self one more step closer to God.

My thoughts are inspired from "Param pujya Pandurang Shashtri Athvale"

India's hard time.

larissa said:

I do not think any amount of economic theorizing is going to help India. India needs nothing short of a revolution, not in a communist sense but in the sense of what re-volution really means, a revolvere or going back to origins. India never had its revolution, after the British left, the institutions never changed. In short, Hindus (by which I mean all those others belonging to native religions as well) have not really been in control for the last 800 years, and the sham secular government does not count as representing Indian culture. From being a manageable country of about 350 million at the time of independence, India has become an utter hell hole in the last sixty years. I do not see much coming out of India’s much vaunted democracy in the last sixty years except more misery and a fourfould increase in population which could have been kept at the rate at the time of independence if the government really wanted to. This increase alne will permanently cripple India and nothing is even being done to address this issue–its not the number of people that counts, but the quality of people.
As for democracy who, ever heard of the same family being party leaders? In the U.S. Kennedy’s daughter had a hard time even running for Governor.
What can India boast of since independence? Bpllywood and cricket? What does it create that others seek to emulate, which is the mark of a creative, vibrant society? What has it done to improve the life of its people? Where are its top notch universities competing with that of other countries? Not a single Indian universtiy ranks among the top in the world. What technology do India’s factories produce that are the envy of others? Nothing. Somehow I think India has retrogressed not progressed, and retrogressed almost to the point of no return with an unmanageable population that gets only larger. I remember my mother going to Benares after forty years to the university where she studied. She was shocked at the increase in the amount of people, almost ready to run you over…
There has to be someone strong to get hold of power–someone who can establish discipline, honor and dignity again–this requires a leader of steel –I do not see this happening amidst a passive population. Moreover, fake democracy has so corrupted Indians, that there is no sense of command and order, so that even if a great capable leader is somehow in politics, he will find it impossible to lead people who are guided only by self-interest. Not only is a good leader required, but also people who are capable of being lead, because without the support of such people a good leader is also useless. And for a peoples to be lead also requires discipline on part of the people. This is lacking.
The problem of India is deep, it is rotting institutionally, and the rot is very deep. Economics is going to change things only at a cosmetic level, India needs a fundamental overhaul, nothing short of a revolution. But India being the way it is, the chances of this happening is slim.
Perhaps the bad state of affairs will get to a breaking point that people are forced to wake up, just as the inept government was forced to initiate some reforms when India went almost bankrupt. India seems to only get active only in response to crisis anyway, as currently it just exists, without national strategy or vision, it is just limping along.
Few malls are opened in middle class areas, and people get to shop in them, some more middle class get jobs in the tech industry and in business, and it is thought India is progressing!
I would say a fundamental change in leadership is needed.

My thoughts about current India

I have to you that what you are saying if it happens then definitely I will see India moving back to its own glory.
India always blessed with all glories of nature, treasures from sea and fertile soil.
India always has strong point to grow beyond 10% gdp from years.
Why Government is taking all credit about GDP and development.
Japan has 1% growth but its economy is 3rd largest.
GDP can not solely be the measure of development and growth.
Indian people's unconsciousness in Bollywood and cricket will give Indian people big harmful events in coming years.
Indian people just think about home and cast not about nation.
They dont even take part of any revolutionary or public (Non-government) act which can help society.
People more believe in going out of India to grow to leave dirty India behind.
People more belive in just satisfying their desires over thousands of crimes.
Why our politicians are not thinking of welfare of Indian and stop accepting bribes.
Have you ever thought why Indian people dont feel shame on giving or taking bribe.
It has become routine and system to not to work unless and until you are given bribe.
If government (who is mother of corruption specially congress which first establish corrupted governmental institutional) tries to force people not to take bribe , They might be failed to gain more votes.
They may lose votes because people now habitual to take bribe.
Same case with public properties. They dont feel guilty spitting in public streets and make streets more spoiled by their routine work.
They throw dirt anywhere.
This is condition of current India. Much more to say.
This is just 0.001 % of what India is today.
Jago Bharat Jago.
Gain your glory again.
India really need one big revolution.
this time NO to Non-violence.
India need people's blood to revolution.

India , Is development is just Show off? or its something true?

The way India dazzeled world by opening ceremony was awesome and wonderful but it cost 400 crore ruppees for India. Was the important to spent on opening ceremony for just showing off . Indian millitry doesnt have money to provide their army bullet proof jacket. Dont you think this money could have been spent in better way.
I think we being in Gandhi following nation, believes in simplicity rather than fashion and exaggeration of any thing. There are many people who have spent hungry night that day. There will be many people who are stressed as their parents dont have money to send them school or college.
I have seen many of my friends graduating from third class college in spite of being scholar in school only because of high cost of studies in Indian professional coursed. With this 400 cr , I think more than 400000 people could have studied well from good college. With this 400 cr 4 new IIM level universities might have formed. Total 70k cr money spent on CWG, Now estimate How many people could have got meal for months, how mant students could have studied well, How many universities could have been built, How many arms for our army could have been bought, How many companies could have been formed, Indian dept could have been cut to nearly half.
Is there any monitory committee for this kind of money spending??
Is there any court who only monitors Indian public money expenses?
Why people are awaken after robbers from parliament have robbed more than 1lakh cr money?

India v/s Congress

India is in hands of Congress. Congress believes in Secularism. It means in Wordweb dictionary is "A doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations". In Hindus old religious books it written that when religion comes out of Royal-political power than all bad things come into the state. Religion teached us honesty , dignity, self respect and humanity. When government dont consider religious views , all religious perspectives, practices, principles, and all good thoughts and conducts are not considered in taking decesions on critical issues. So that now we see corruption become traditional and conventional thing . People dont feel guilty for doing corruption.
Corruption is cheating yourself or selling yourself for few chunks of money bundles. In our great past Pandavas rejects offer of money given by Krishna to set up new state of their own. In our great past people were fighting to give money to each other. Donation(Dan -giving money to others) has been great logical and social tradition of India since many years. The region in which people believe in giving money to need full , how can this corruption went into tradition????
Dont you think If we could have followed our past and religion then we might be more prosperous. Instead of being Secular we should be indifferent to any religion. Even Muslims and Christianity has good rules and conducts to be considered in laws and routine government decisions and work.
Congress is the mother of all corruption. Corruption born when congress first come into power in 1947 and then onwards it has been big and big.
India need change now. India have not faced Hindu Raj in 1000 years. I believe if Hindus run India then India can be changed to its glorious past with cultures people and youngsters.

Genocides in all over the world

Some days back I heard news of death of OSAMA. There is no surprise over the death of him because Karma rule is same for all. If you kill people in hundreds, definitely you can not expect natural and simple death. Osama after attack to WTO, saw death of his sons and wives. He was wandering through out the world asking for shelter. These people can never live simple and peaceful life. Its great joke of the world when people of some regions consider him martyr. If Osama is martyr , all the terrorists and autocrats were martyrs who killes millions of people.
I just have read one news on some website that one father killed her daughter!!! How can he even imagine of hurting a little and innocuous child. Even mad cares for him. People are crazy when they dont care anything while hurting others and their own. Well I think killing your own child is bigger sin than Osama's. At least he cared for his children.
I read one more news in which grandfather buried her 2 days old granddaughter alive. Well this is one more example of orthodox and superstitious society which have no value of feelings of a little kid and go crazy when they get girl child. Why people dont want a girl child? Are girls devils?? Are girls burden?? Are girls untouchables? Everyone wants a woman but not girl as daughter. Well we need to change the thinking of people in our society. We need to prevent dowry and expenses in marriage which is the main reason behind unwanted girl child. A girl is like little innocent flower. You can not resist to love it.
When these people says that Osama and terrorists are great genocides and are meant to go to hell , I would love to tell them that you are bigger devils than all of them because you are killing an innocent child who came to you to get loved by you. Little child just needs love and affection but these people give them death for nothing.
That's why I don't argue when people say tsunami and earth quakes are form of God's anger. If you are expecting that God will be silent even if you crush little flower sent by God, you are biggest purblind and obtuse.

Proud to be Hindu

In today's generation, Young people feel ashamed of telling their friends about Pooja(Worship) at home or any spiritual belief or any spirituality rituals. People feel ashamed when they are told that why you have so many deities? Why do you believe in idolatry? Its fun that you consider water as God!!! Fire as God!! Trees as God!! Rivers as God!! Horrifying Lady with tongue out as God!!! You people are crazy and orthodox.and so on...........
Being Hindu are we really ignoring logic of all the rituals carried out by us...?? Are we really underestimating all our ancient culture ?? Are we really spending 15 mins a day to read our Holly books? Are we enough knowledgeable to shut all their mouth?? Do we have knowledge about what is EXACTLY Hinduism??
I am not here to explain Hinduism because it takes years and years to even explain and understand Hinduism. But being Hindu we should know why we believe in Idolatry, why we believe in Krishna, Shiva, Brahma.
Do we know why we worship TULSI? Do you know why we pray "Ganpati"? Why we believe in "Pitru" worship ??
We should know all this in order to make others realize that Hinduism is not all about Magic or surreptitiousness. Hinduism is all about Logic and Ancient Technology. People were powerful enough to fly through planes. People were powerful enough to travel as speedily as air. People were powerful enough to divide whole community in four groups(Varnas). People were powerful enough to make people understand the meaning of life and divide whole life in 4 time spans(Ashrams).
How can you tell Hinduism a backward religion or religion with many useless rituals??? Yagna was great rite which had power to convert the thinking of whole world....
Dont you think being Hindu you should know all this?

Truth behind so called Secularism

What is the meaning of Secularism?
On WordWeb : A doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations....... On Oxford : the belief that religion should not be involved in the organization of society, education, etc.

Whenever Political people are plays card of Secularism in order to refrain some religious activity, I feel some kind of restrictions on following our own religion. Does politics come in between religion and us? Is politics responsible for making Hinduism down in eye of world. Now whenever Hinduism come in talks, people think about superstitious , riots, temples, wrong beliefs, poverty, untouchables, casteism, many more things...... Is it everything about Hinduism? Center is depicting total wrong picture about what is Hinduism and secularism. The greatest loss of secularism is to Hindus none. Even new scholars from Hinduism itself believes that Secularism is above Hinduism and expressing Hindu feelings and thoughts is offence in free India.

Is expressing thoghts about Hinduism is offence in India? If I find some good things in my own religion and want to tell every body then would it be considered as offence? Why Our religions are bound and frozen in hands of Atheist government.
Hinduism is the one though which the first democracy cam into existence called Mauryan Emperor.Shakas and Ashoka empire and many states where there about 2000 years ago.

You are teaching the lessons of democracy and harmony to he community which holds the credit running first democracy in the world . You are teaching lessons of harmony to the community which never attacked any community for the sack of converting them into Hinduism. Do you know any incident in the history of world in which Hindu empire attacked the empire of any other religion in order to convert them into hinduism???

Then how can you blame Hinduism for breaking of country norms, rules of Harmony and in turn make them responsible for being communal .Do you really think when there were 90% were hindus India became secular country?? Is that possible with any other country in which there are 90% of the same religion?

If you still say that Hindus in India are communistic , its your wicked mentality in order to run the game of politics.

So called "Hinduism"

We People call ourselves Hindus... Its really silly. Hinduism is the only religion in which the name of the religion is given by the people from other religions. There was no Hindu term even invented before 500 years and we are following Vedic tradition from thousands of years. Our religional practices can never be bound in one religion or specific term. We are broad minded and believe in reason based practices. Our ancestors never even thought of any religional concepts like we have today. Our ancestors only prayed God and made people realize the love of God. We have neither ignored any other people in the name of religion nor force anyone to accept our religion. There is no term like "Conversion to Hinduism" in our religion. We have never restrained any person from practicing any vedic philosophy based activity even if he is from other religion. We have always been adaptive to other religions and people from different religions and beliefs. We have always been kind and good with people coming from other regions of the world as well Parsis..etc. We have 80% population of Hindus in India still we believe in Secularism and equality among religions. We give reservation to minorities , we give subsidies to those pilgrims willing to go to their holy places. We dont have any inequality, enmity for people coming from other religion. We even go to Mosques and Churches and pray there.
"Hindus" are more diplomatic and kind people. They have some religious practices which make them to help animals , poor and needy people. We have some clauses in our religion which says that if you dont give part of your money to poor and needy people , you are thief. Our beliefs and understandings are not only bound to human being but we have also included animals, trees and natural elements.

Emasculated India

Resurgence and Agitation arises and finishes without any results. Again people get angry in the morning and become calm in the evening Public is driven by waves of Agitation and protest in the streets and again on next day they are driven by Entertainment watching movies and TV. Then they take bountiful sleep forgetting everything. This is the condition of current India.
Tomorrow people will rise again because they have seen one movie aspiring them to protest against corruption and after some days they again get engaged in routine life.They can be easily driven by so many things around them. Some external parties try hard to move people's attention from any scams, blunders and blasts. They also use media as their tool to divert public's attention from these mistakes . Instead of preventing further blunders and scams, they try to hide current effect and engaged in blaming others. Their steps and just for showing that they are doing something and taking steps. Their all steps and actions are just flamboyant and frail.
Why cant we become stronger such that even intruder will think for 100 times before coming to India.Why cant we become unassailable? Why cant we create a strong infrastructure in Intel and security department such that it can detect any wrong doing before it happens. If small country like Israel can create great spy agency like Mosad , why cant we do? We have power, we have money, we have intelligence, we have science, we have mind, knowledge everything but utilization is just 1%. We have to change the definition of Indians. People think that out tolerance is admirable but actually we are threatened. We are going through the way of cowardliness. More tolerance is nothing but self denial and weakness. I dont see any reason to forgive any culprit or forgive any criminal or terrorist. People are not hanged for their brutal offense for years. Many terrorists are imprisoned in Indian jail but they are nourished with fruits and nuts but they are not getting punishment.Why should we keep on following laws which are in turn harmful to nation security??? Can we avail threat of national integrity and security for just following so called "Laws"?
If everything is meant to be changed , why not laws? Why should we follow the system which just gives late justice which is nothing but justice denial. Fault is not in the system but fault is in "Indians". We are tolerating more than required. Either because we are inured to tolerance or because we are COWARD. Define your category. by your self.

Murthypuja - Idolatry a comprehensive Analysis

The concept of Idolatry in Hinduism

I want to tell you only one thing that in Hinduism we pray both "Adwaita" and "Daita". Adwaita is more similar like "Islam". Adwaita considers God as universal power. Adwaita considers all other things inferior to God or allah. In "Daita" vedas and other scriptures considers God in everything. Daiwa considers that God is in Human being and he has shape similar to Human Being. Daiwa also goes beyond one step by considering each and every live element as God substance.

Now again above argument gives your answers that Hinduism has broad diversity to adept to any religion either it is Buddhism , Islam or Christianity. If you agree to above argument , Hinduism itself contain all essence of Islam. The difference is the only that we dont reject or insult any worship Idolatry claims if we dont believe in the same or we dont reject or insult Monotheism (Which Islam believes in) claims if we dont believe in that.

Our motto or ambition should be God not his forms. Why are we debating on Forms of God or perfect way to worship God? God just see our heart and purity of out deeds. We you believe in Monotheism and kills everyone who doesnt believe in Monotheism then God will never love you.
Better attached to your views that is appreciable but also dont insult other views.

I also want to comment on why we (Hindu)believe in both the things(Murty Puja and Universal God). Krishna says in Geeta "If you believe in Monotheism (Islam kind of thinking way) , you will get love of God but it will take time (and requires extreme Concentration or mental ability to believe in things which is not visible to eyes.) but again if you pray Me(Krishna) , you will definitely get me in lesser time (Krishna as God) ,( because you are logically convinced that God(Krishna) is in front of you and you have to please him so you have an image of whom you are praying." This is why we Hindus believe in Idolatry(Murty Puja). You should proud of it, if you logically pray it.

In Hinduism , there are two school of thoughts ,"Adwaita" and "Daita". Adwaita considers God as one and universal power. In "Daita" ,Vedas and other scriptures consider God in everything. Dwaita also considers that God is in Human being and he has shape same as Human Being. Human likes to see everyone like what they are. So they also shape God as Humans. Dwaita also goes beyond one step by considering each and every live element as God substance. Because ultimately Dwaita and Adwaita meets in the end.

You can not bound your thoughts by just one way that God can not be in idol. Who says God is only in Idol? Hindus say that God is also there in Idol. If we assume God to be in any Human being , and if that man does something against morals ,then the image of God can be deteriorated. So we assume God to be in Idol which in a way an effigy of God which "actually" dont do anything but in a spiritual way its supreme image of God. So That Idol connects us with God. You can call that Idol as connection between you and God.

All ,who worship idol with full of love and devotion to God , are more likely to understand fact that God is not only in that idol, but also he is with me and he is with everyone. Idol clears your routine life from sins. Idol as a monitor keeps an eye on you and your regular work to make yourself more like good man. If it is made compulsory that you have to go to temple regularly once in a day, you will have some hesitation to go to temple if you have done something wrong. So you will automatically make sure that you dont do anything wrong which does not fit into general moral consciences. On the contrary if you believe in God who is not visible from your eyes, you are more likely to do something which you can hide from God because "actually" he is not looking at your deeds because you believe God to be supreme but not within you!!!.
Hindus actually believe in both the things(Murty Puja and Universal God). Krishna says in Geeta "If you believe in Monotheism, you will get love of God but it will take time (and requires extreme Concentration or mental ability to believe in things which is not visible to eyes.) but again if you pray Me(Krishna) , you will definitely get me in lesser time (Krishna as God) ( because you are logically convinced that God(Krishna) is in front of you and you have to please him so you have an image of whom you are praying)." This is why we Hindus believe in Idolatry(Murty Puja).
You should proud of it, if you logically pray it.

You can not bound your thoughts by just one way that God can not be in idol. Who says God is only in Idol? We say that God is also there in Idol. If we assume God to be in any Human being and if that man does something against morals then the image of God is deteriorated. So we assume God to be in Idol which in a way effigy of God which "actually" dont do anything but in a spiritual way its supreme image of God. So That Idol connects us with God. You can call that Idol as connection between you and God.

All who worship idol with full of love and devotion to God are more likely to understand fact that God is not only in that idol but also he is with me and he is with everyone. Idol clears your routine life from sins. Idol as a monitor keeps eye on you and your regular work to make yourself more like good man. If it is made compulsory that you have to go to temple regularly once in a day, you will have some hesitation to go to temple if you have done something wrong. So you will automatically make sure that you dont do anything wrong which does not fit into general moral consciences. On the contrary if you believe in God who is not visible from your eyes, you are more likely to do something which you can hide from God because "actually" he is not looking at your deeds because you believe God to be supreme but not within you!!!.

Following by wikipedia-

Look at the very basic and extensive explaination of Idolatry by Wikipedia. It projects the right thing and right reason behind idolatry in Hinduism.

Hinduism neither prescribes nor proscribes worship of images (Skt. murti, or "idols" as seen by some non-Hindus). Although Hinduism is commonly represented by such anthropomorphic religiousicons such as murtis, aniconism is equally represented with such abstract symbols of God such as the Shiva linga and the saligrama.[5] Furthermore, Hindus have found it easier to focus onanthropomorphic icons, as Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12, Verse 5,“ It is much difficult to focus on God as the unmanifested than God with form, due to human beings having the need to perceive via the senses. ”

Christopher John Fuller, professor of anthropology at London School of Economics notes that an image cannot be equated with a deity and the object of worship is the deity whose power is inside the image, and the image is not the object of worship itself.[7]
The misleading notion that Hinduism is fundamentally idolatrous was addressed in the context of Abrahamic religions by the 11th century Muslim scholar Al-Biruni. Al-Biruni rejected the notion and established that Hindus do not necessarily need anthropomorphisms, but the crowd and the members of the single sects use them most extensively.[8] Al-Biruni wrote that the Hindus believe with regard to God that He is one, eternal, without beginning and end, acting by free-will, almighty, all-wise, living, giving life, ruling, preserving; one who in his sovereignty is unique, beyond all likeness and unlikeness, and that he does not resemble anything nor does anything resemble Him.[8]
Striving for Moksha (salvation) i.e. one-ness with the universal soul (Brahman) is the ultimate goal of Hindus. One can approch through worship (Bhakti yoga) or meditation (Raja Yoga), or by performing one's duties well (Karma Yoga) or pursuing the intellectual path (Jnana Yoga). In achieving this spiritual progress "the first stage is the external/material worship; struggling to rise high, mental prayer is the next stage, but the highest stage is when the divine has been realized" [9] The Hindu sages closed their eyes and meditated silently (forms of Skt. tapasya and Skt. sadhana) - they did not need enclosures/buildings, nor even words or mental images for their meditation. But these sages did not abuse any one's murtis or call its worship sin. They recognized it as an approach/stage in an individual's sincere spiritual progress guided by the principles of Dharma. As Swami Vivekananda said, "Would it be right for an old man to say that childhood is sin or youth is sin? .... Unity in variety is the plan of nature, and the Hindu has recognized it".[10] This conscious Hindu recognition and the respect for different approaches to sincere worship proved useful to Jews who migrated to India (for trading or fleeing persecution by other anti-idolatrous Abrahamical religions) and thrived for many hundreds of years before moving back to Israel in 1948.[11]

Hindus do not consider it a 'sin' in any manner to use icons, images, or linguistic symbols such as the sacred "Aum" to represent the divinity,all great Hindu religious leaders have repeatedly stressed that god is one and his forms are many,the ways to communicate with him are many and focussing or concentrating on the icon is one of those ways. For a Hindu the human language itself is a symbolic representation of the divine, and so the use of words to represent the divine in itself is an act of 'idolatry' but not sin in any manner. Hindus believe that everything is god and contains the energy of god so is worthy of worship be it icons or symbols or nature itself,the Puja (Hinduism) of the Murti is like a way to communicate with the abstract one god (Brahman in Hinduism) which creates,sustains and dissolves creation .[12]

Also, these images (Skt. murti), icons, and symbols are understood by Hindus themselves as being symbolic representations of various divine attributes of the Supreme Being (Br fagdahman), which is ultimately beyond all material names and forms.[13] Hindu iconography employs a rich language of symbols, and images are constructed to exacting proportions in an effort to convey particular religious truths,the images are not considered god but are a way to try to show that god cannot be explained and understood by humans,it is for this reason that a Hindu mythological figure has 3 heads or 4 arms,it shows that God is unthinkable and unbelievable.

Rotten Education System in India

Kanji, a 10 year old child, who stays in a remote village in Gujarat, daily, go to school which is situated near main temple of Lord Shiva. When asked him about simple mathematical summation or multiplication of two numbers, he was not able to even read that problem statement properly. He was even lacking basic writing and reading skills in English. He is not the only dull student in that village; actually 80% of the students of that village are actually remaining uneducated.
This is not the only case in that village but in fact almost every other village in India has poor education system. Many schools in villages are struggling with various issues such as poor infrastructure, shortage of teaching equipments, power deficiency, sanitation problem, libraries etc. The main important problem is availability of a good teacher. In some school, only one teacher is provided to handle whole school that teacher runs his own small business next to that school so many teachers don’t turn up to school to teach students. These teachers offer bribe to those who come for inspection so in a way they encourage wide spread corruption in a field of education. Many children go to school for mid-day meal. But most schools provide low quality dal kichdi for the kids who complain it is tasteless. There are allegations that lots of funds are nibbled away and the kids do not get the kind of food as per regulations set by the government. Apparently there is no proper supervision of the food prepared and sent by contractors. Apparently money for high quality food goes to middlemen and even some times teachers and principals. It is a matter of grave concern that the poor children have to eat food which has low nutrition.
Many engineering colleges which are considered to be home of future technocrats are lacking basic infrastructure and skilled professors. There are many government and private engineering colleges run without proper accommodation, classrooms ,lab facilities and skilled professors so many student don’t turn up to attend lectures. . These engineering colleges don’t even provide practical exposure to student which is very important for a future engineer. Professors don’t turn up to take lectures in government colleges leaving whole syllabus as burden to students. Due to strikes in many engineering colleges in India, studious students could not proper environment for studies. The curriculum of these colleges is not upgraded frequently enough to match industry's requirements. The survey has brought out the fact that only 12 per cent of engineering graduates are readily employable and another 52 per cent can be made useful to the industry by further training. But 36 per cent of students are not even trainable. Standard of education in these colleges are often compromised because of issues like paper leakage and bribing to professors. Research and Development actually never happen in these colleges. Less encouragement to Research and Development is one of the reasons why India exports so many technologies from US and other countries. Engineering -The most interesting learning phase of life for many students often goes without achieving anything.
It is to blame education system of India, when someone says that Indian graduates are lacking necessary job skills. Many countries, from which we had “copied” education system, have already changed their education system according to current technology and modern generation. Our current education system is only capable of creating job seekers but not job makers.